Duke's Song Written by Annete Osier I still have dreams of gold, of women pouring wine into my cup, of some massasing my tired musles of the lair of theifs, the sound of blazing red fires in the kichen the smell of worms cooking and the clanging of golden trays Those days are gone replaced by the sound of metal doors clanging, of myself pouring milk my musles aching as I try to sleep The lair of sinners and thiefs is now a headquarters of goodness no sins of a thief are here. I walk down daily to the ready room There I see what doom I face Somedays I dream of winning this war, going back home, being pardoned starting over. but that would be a dream a dream lost in battle I pray in the temple daily That I would die in battle so I would go home a hero but I would be put down in history as a lowly theif a murderer As I lay myself down on this bed to rest I close my eyes and dream Of the temple of the preist of the statue of the feast that celebrates Duke L'Orange The Redeemed Theif Annette Osier