Turbulance DuCaine



Name: Turbulence Madison Ducane


hieght:5'6 1/2"

color: light peach

hair: very very very long (down to the top of her legs when it's

down)and blond

eyes:blue and with attitued

likes:Dive (her boyfreind), hockey(learned alley hockey so is really

agressive), airoplanes(is a specalist), and chalenges

hates: draggonous(for killing family), how wildwing is stricked on Dive

,  the

reffuge, and doese not hate but is mad at her bro and sises

other: her father was Drake Ducane himself,  she caries a dagger which

is the

only thing that can kill Draggonous, Dive saved her from the reffuge, 

she is

evechaly adoped by duke (coming up with story sone)but is not her father

only legal

gaurdean, is called the angel,  is

from earth (story coming sone)

family: 3 sisters Cathy(older) and Laura(younger) and Tera (unidentiacal

twin) bro

Canard... dad Drake Ducane


These characters exist in the fanfict that is written by their creators and/or collaberative stories between them and I. They are property of their creators, and their profiles are written by them.