Full Moon, Part 2

Written by Zelda


                Grin waved the smoke away from his face. He had to get to that log. And yet something was telling him he was walking into a trap. Finally, he stumbled over the log and fell flat in the mud beside Zelda. Blind and choking with the sulfurous fumes, he picked her up and started to take off. Suddenly, something jerked him back, holding him fast. Zelda screamed in intense pain, writhing in his arms. He tried to hold his grip on her, and fumbled back into his former position. In the moonlight, he could see something metallic and glinting among the mud and flecks of scales. Zelda was whimpering loudly in warning and agony. Grin suddenly looked up to see two pairs of red eyes burning through the smoke. Wildwing and Duke stalked out together, circling him. Grin calmly fumbled about in the mud with his hands, keeping his eye on the two the whole time. He found a thick chain. Now using both hands, he yanked the chain in two. It came free with a metallic ping, the broken link flying off and hitting Duke on the beak. He howled and charged Grin immediately. Grin scooped Zelda up and ducked, feeling a deep searing pain rake horizontally across his back. He reared up to see that Duke had jumped over him. Grin ran forwards, giving Wildwing an enormous cuff on the shoulder to keep him out of the way. Grin gasped for air in the smoke as he nearly ran into the Migrator itself. He could hear the snap of pucks being fired from the roof. He found the ladder and climbed up, dropping Zelda, and then falling himself.


                Grin splatted on the floor, sending mud everywhere.

                "Oh, now Wing just had this vacuumed!" Nosedive whined, wiping the flecks of dirt off of his face. Tanya scooped Zelda up and placed her gently on a cot.

                "She's got something on her leg." Grin panted.             

                "A bear trap." Tanya snorted, wiping off the mud. "Well made too. I can't even get at the spring from here." She flicked the trap with her finger, and Zelda suddenly moaned in agony again, covering her head with muddy wings and curling up tightly. "Sorry! Sorry!" Tanya yelped, surprised. Suddenly, the dents that faced outwards in the vehicle hull were joined by dents inwards, as the two Ducks resumed the attack on the Migrator.

                "Dive, get us out of here!" Mallory yelled. "Keep driving and make sure those two follow us!" Dive leapt into the driver's seat, and sped away.


                Dive drove carefully as Tanya stood. She had to figure out what to do about Zelda. She still lay on the chair, with a huge bear trap on her leg. Grin leaned over, still exhausted, while Mallory gently cleaned the wound across his back.

                "Okay Zelda, promise me you'll try and keep still." Tanya said.

                "Okay, okay, just get this thing off of me!" Zelda whined. Tanya activated the sonic metal cutter on her Omnitool, and began to shear through the bottom of the trap. Zelda clenched her teeth and snarled, but stood still. Finally, the bottom was sheared off and the two halves of the trap fell away, the deep punctures occupied by the teeth filling quickly with blood.

                "You okay?" Nosedive asked, leaning back from the wheel. Suddenly, a huge bump from behind sent the vehicle lurching.

                "We've got bigger problems!" Zelda replied, wrapping her leg in moss sheeting.

                "Okay." Mallory said, standing up. "We've got another fighter down." Zelda snorted in protest. "Oh please Zelda, you can't even walk!" Mallory smiled, patting her on the head sympathetically. "Those two are becoming too much a match for us. We have to figure out what to do."

                "Zelda." Said Grin. "What do you know about this spell, and werewolves?" Zelda thought for a moment.                      

                "Well, werewolves were a myth generated in Europe...the legend was that they were turned by the light of a full moon, and killed only by bullets of pure silver."

                "Whoa, we're not killing anyone!" Dive interrupted from the driver's seat.

                "Now this cursed moonstone thing is weird...moonstone was always held to have the powers of it's namesake. But we have a big problem if that stone is cursed like Wraith said it was."

                "Why?" asked Tanya.

                "Well, normally, this spell would only last as long as the full moon did tonight. But tonight is the spring equinox."

                "So?" Mallory said.

                "So, this spell will reoccur every night when there is a full moon."

                "Not good." Dive said. The vehicle lurched again.

                "So if we want to end the spell, we have to destroy the stone, right?" Grin asked.

                "Right. And getting through the Saurians to get at it won't be an easy task now." Zelda nodded.

                "Hmm, you're right about that stone thing Zelda..." Tanya said. She was examining the slide with the saliva on it again. "This stuff has traces of moonstone elements in it."

                "I thought so." Zelda said.

                "I'll start the scanners again, see if I can't find that stone, and the Saurians with it." Mallory said, walking to the front control panel. To her alarm, she looked over to the fuel gauge, and realized that it was dangerously low.


                The trees suddenly parted, as the blazing headlights of the Migrator slanted into a clearing. The front wheels reared up and over a fallen log, but fell to slipping and spinning on the damp moss. Nosedive jammed on the gas hard, until the wheels no longer responded.

                "Great. We're outta gas." he snorted, unbuckling his seatbelt.

                "So, how far to the nearest gas station?" Mallory asked.

                "Well, we do have spare fuel in a compartment under the Migrator, remember?" Tanya reminded.

                "Yeah, I remember. Lemme get a flashlight and I'll get it." Suddenly, the Migrator lurched to the side.

                "Umm, maybe you should wait a while..." Zelda whined. Suddenly, Dive gasped and jumped back as Duke landed on the windshield. He scraped his claws across the glass, howling, trying to get in. Wildwing was circling not too far off. Suddenly, the bushes parted and Dragaunus stepped through, with his henchmen in tow.

                "Dragaunus!" Grin yelled.

                "Do we still have enough power for the lasers to function?" Mallory asked.

                "We should." replied Tanya. Mallory was already in the driver's seat and pivoting the lasers. She aimed, when Dragaunus held up the moonstone pendant. As Mallory fired, Wildwing leapt blindly in front of the shot, the fire bouncing off of his armor.

                "Great." Mallory muttered.

                "You forget, waterfowl!" Wraith laughed. "One wish upon this stone makes these two our pawns! To fight, and to die!" All of a sudden, the two fell to the floor, clutching their stomachs, groaning and writhing in pain. Zelda roared in fury.

                "That's it, I'm going out there." said Tanya, picking up a puck cannon.

                "Okay, I'll cover for you." Mallory said, pivoting the lasers.


                The top hatch popped open with a hiss. Tanya quickly set up her cannon, and aimed it. Suddenly, one of Wraith's huge fireballs snapped against the side of the Migrator. Tanya fumbled with the cannon, and it clattered back down to the vehicle floor. Grin picked it up and tossed it back. Tanya tried to aim it again, but Duke leapt up on the roof of the vehicle beside her. Tanya felt a huge searing pain rip across her face, followed immediately by the warm flow of blood. She snarled, aimed the cannon, and instinctively shot. Duke was hit in the side with a puck, and fell off of the roof, landing in the shadows below with a loud thud. Tanya gasped at what she had done, recovering herself slowly. Suddenly, another fireball ripped up just to the right of her. Zelda popped up beside her.

                "Grin and I'll distract them. Just shoot at the moonstone!" She limped out onto the roof, with Grin following. He jumped down, while Zelda raised her wings and flew up, the moonlight glinting off of the gold on her wings. The lasers lit up the clearing with flashes of blue light, helping Tanya see what was going on. Grin was tangled up with Wildwing, while Siege and Wraith were distracted in shooting at Zelda. Wraith drew up a fireball in his claws, and aimed it strait for Grin. Grin was trying to hold Wildwing under control and keep from being bitten, when suddenly a wave of heat washed over both of them. Grin fell flat on his face to avoid the fire, but Wildwing parted strait through it, jumping up and shoving his foot into the wounds on Grin's back. He opened his beak, the edges of his feathers singed with flame, and howled.


                Wraith was knocked backwards, he yelled in surprise as the moonstone was knocked from his hand. But it hadn't been broken, no thanks to that miserable Duck! He fell to his knees and began to fumble through the leaves in the darkness. He drew up another fireball to help him see, but it only revealed a deep purple dragon with the moonstone glinting in her jaws. Zelda yelped and darted through the brush, raising her wings and flying up. Wraith roared and fired at her. The winds swirled Zelda about, which sent her crashing down on her head. She recovered herself slowly, her head throbbing in pain. Zelda found the stone near her, as Wraith's fireballs ripped up around her, each one coming closer. Zelda leapt up and into the air, flying again. She circled around the Migrator, and landed on a huge stone. Rearing up, she threw the moonstone down and it shattered into the glitter of a thousand stars on the forest floor below. A huge whirlwind of bone-white light enveloped the forest, swirling around. Zelda couldn't see or feel anything. Slowly, she began to sense the rock beneath her claws, then, in a huge rush, the forest snapped back to life, and the stone fragments disappeared, sucking the light in with it. A thick beam of gold hit Zelda's eye, forcing her to duck and turn away. Recovering her vision, she found the beam to be of sunlight, and looked up to see the blood red orb of the sun rising. She looked over to see Grin getting up slowly, and Wildwing kneeling on the ground beside him. She ran over to him, to see Wildwing had returned to normal. He looked up into her eyes.

                "Relax." she smiled. "The sun is rising." Mallory walked out of the Migrator, with Tanya following.

                "Everyone okay?" Tanya asked.

                "Fine here." Grin said, walking through the brush. Zelda limped slowly over to where Duke was propping himself up on his elbow.

                "I'm okay, I'm okay." he snorted, getting up slowly and leaning on the Migrator for support.

                "Jeez Duke, I'm sorry for hitting you..." Tanya started.

                "Hey, you did what you had to do." he smiled, waving it off with his hand.

                "So, it's all over, I hope." Wildwing said, getting up.

                "Yes. The stone is broken and the curse has been lifted." Grin smiled. Wildwing looked around at his battered team.

                "Come on." he smiled. "Let's go home."


The End


Mighty Ducks-The Animated Series, including all logos and characters (except mine) are copyright and property of Disney. You may copy, print, or whatever with this document, so long as it is not altered and I (Zelda) am credited. Thanks!