Profiles - Baron von Licktenstamp


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Copyright © 2002

Baron von Licktenstamp

Height: N/A

Weight N/A

A crazed hunter who lives alone on the tiny island of Licktenstamp, the Baron sits on the only known source of a rare metal called solarinite. It was the possession of this metal that caused him to ally with Dragaunus. The Overlord could mine the metal if the Baron could hunt the Ducks as if they were wild animals. The Baron has a passion for hunting, and the walls of his mansion are decked with the heads of his trophies. When hunting the Ducks, the Baron sought the ultimate challenge. While willing to give them a sporting chance at first, the Baron soon grew frustrated with the battle, unleasing a strange assortment of weapons on the Ducks, from mechanical animals to a tank!

Current status: Assumed defeated. The Ducks left the Baron into a living trophy, hanging him beside the animals he had stuffed. He hasn't been heard from since.

Profiles - Baron von Licktenstamp