Profiles - The Good Guys


- The Good Guys
- The Bad Guys
- Other Characters
- Cast and Credits
- Official Press
- Tour the Pond - Episode Guide - Did You Know?

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- Coloring Book
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Copyright © 2002

Profiles - The Good Guys

Where would the world be without the Mighty Ducks? What makes this show unique is the broad cast of characters, all of which show great depth, intricate personalities, and complex team dynamics. So go ahead and bone up on the major players!

Wildwing Flashblade

Nosedive Flashblade

Mallory McMallard

Duke L'Orange

Tanya Gertrude Vanderflock

Grin (Check Hardwing)

Canard Thunderbeak





Many of you true otakus may notice that in the course of the show, none of the team's last names are mentioned, save for Mallory's and Duke's. So are the ones listed here made up? Absolutely not! The show's head writer, David Wise, developed these last names himself after being asked by the fan community. Other websites may have different last names posted for these characters, but they are not technically official or correct. Want to hear about more great little tidbits like this? Check out the Did You Know? section!

Profiles - The Good Guys