Profiles - Borg


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Borg is a young elf, who holds the right to the throne of an Anaheim that exists in a parallel dimension. This Anaheim is ruled by gothic sorcery, and populated by a host of strange creatures. This dimension is also home to the evil wizard Asteroth.

The Ducks met Borg when they stumbled into his dimension. They helped the elf to defeat Asteroth, and return the throne to him. In return, not only did Borg provide the team with vaulable information about how to get around in the strange land, but he used Asteroth's powerful amulet to return the Ducks home.

When Asteroth resurfaced in our dimension, Borg tried to contact Nosedive through the pages of his comic books, to warn him. The elf opened a portal to allow a few of the team through, and helped them to search for a magical blade called the Star Sword. Duke used this powerful item to completely destroy Asteroth's amulet, and end his threat forever.

Profiles - Borg