Profiles - Diamond the lion


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Diamond the lion

Height: Quadrupedal: 3.4 ft. Bipedal: 4.3 ft.

Weight: 65 lbs.

Age: 15

Position: Healer

The youngest and least experienced of the four leaders, Diamond holds the key position of being the clan's healer. She possesses a vast wealth of knowledge on how to turn ordinary plants, fungi, and minerals into effective cures for whatever ails her friends. She also has healed even the most grevious wounds, though she leaves the mental scars to Silver. Gentility and compassion make her the prime example of good bedside manner, and her youthful energy never fails to amuse her fellow leaders. Hatched in the spring, Diamond's fur is a creamy tan, her eyes are a light green, and her ears are lined with a band of silver.

Diamond's enthusiastic personality helps get her through rough times, when she may feel too inexperienced to cope with stressful situations. Zelda's absence from the Territory has put an added strain on her, knowing that she often is too far away to help heal her friend when she is wounded. But despite her gentle looks and self-doubt, few would question the lioness in a fight. Like the rest of her species, Diamond can achieve bursts of cheetah speed. Her agiligy on the ground is unmatched, and can easily crack bone with the pressure of her bite. She is rarely pressed to fighting, and internally dreads the day when that may occur. Though Diamond tries to avoid combat, she will never hesitate to stand by her friends and fellow leaders in a bad situation.

Profiles - Diamond the lion