Profiles - Dr. Huggerman


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Copyright © 2002

D. Huggerman

Dr. Huggerman is a friend of Tanya's who is an expert in the study of energy. His findings have lead to breakthroughs in energy use, but have also created new and powerful weapons. Sorely displeased with how his research had been used, Dr. Huggerman went into isolation on his private island. When Huggerman went missing, a crisis sprung up, and the Ducks needed his help to learn how to contain a giant energy creature that was ravaging Anaheim.

After a few games of cards with Tanya, and some more effective convincing from Grin, Dr. Huggerman agreed to assist the team, creating a device that trapped the energy creature and then beamed him out into space. He has gray hair, an ambling gait, and a rather laidback attitude in chaotic times. Eccentric and a little egotistic, Dr. Huggerman is a strange ally, but a useful one.

Profiles - Dr. Huggerman