Profiles - Dr. Pretorius


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Doctor Pretorius

Height: N/A

Weight: N/A

Dr. Pretorius is a geneticist gone bad. His presence became known to the Ducks when they saw him on a talk show, raving about how the Ducks should be run through a gauntlet of tests, to study them. His obsession with the aliens would lead to an elaborate plot to trap them. He used an entire town's-worth of robots to corall the Ducks, hoping to extract their DNA in order to create a perfect being. The Ducks escaped, to do battle with the Sloor, a creature he had created by combining the genes of a chicken, lobster, and bull. The supplies and equiptment for such a scheme came from none other than Dragaunus himself, who was somehow in on the mad scientist's plot.

Status: Defeated. The Ducks have left him and his genetically-mutated monster to the police.

Profiles - Dr. Pretorius