Profiles - Grin (Check Hardwing)


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Grin (Check Hardwing)

grin.jpg (27642 bytes)

Number: 01

Position: Defense (Right)

Height: 7'0"

Weight: 350 lbs.

Shoots: Right

With all of his brawn, it seems surprisingly uncharacteristic for someone like Grin to have hobbies like Zen meditaion. Grin's true strength comes from his mental centerdness, and he can maintain his calm even in the midst of a chaotic battle.

As a duckling on Puckworld, Grin's name was actually Check Hardwing, and he used his size and strength to cheat at hockey. Because of his skills and potential, he was taken in and trained by a great hockey master named Ty Quack Do. Through him, Grin learned that hockey was a noble sport played well only by those who had honorable spirits, and good karma. Ty's teachings transformed Grin into a gentle giant, who released his true destructive power only in defense of his friends. His peaceful mindset puts him at ease most of the time, but when settings change for the worse, he can sense them instantly, and almost predict when danger is coming. However, his advice is sometimes a little too vauge and abstract to be understood at first.

Grin uses no projectile weapons at all, relying on his brute strength in a fight. Although he is by far the most powerful of the Ducks, he would prefer to negotiate out of a fight more than any of his teammates. For armor, he has bulky shoulderpads resembling those he wears during hockey games, as well as plated wrist guards.

In hockey, Grin trends towards stay-at-home defense on the right side of the ice. Literally a wall, Grin has been known to check an entire offensive line in a single crush against the boards, and his skills are well appreciated by Wildwing, who often needs his backup in a blitz. With his size, he's not as speedy as his teammates, but he certainly makes up for it in strength.

Brad Garrett on Grin: "He's the biggest, baddest hockey player, but he's also in Zen and meditaion. Grin says things like, 'Become one with the net.' He's the strongest Duck- he could open a bag of airline peanuts by himself!"

Profiles - Grin (Check Hardwing)