Profiles - Captain Klegghorn


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- The Bad Guys
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Captain Klegghorn

The short and short-tempered captain of the Anaheim police force, Klegghorn only wants to keep his precinct safe and sound. When a team of six alien Ducks show up in town, and chaotic explosions and shoot-outs start taking place, he suspects that they are responsible for it. The team puts up with a lot of badgering from him, until he sees the Saurians with his own eyes, and knows that they actually exist.

Once he fully comes to understand what the Ducks are up against, he supports them whole-heartedly, and often works with them when a battle gets out of hand and spills out onto the city streets.

Dennis Franz on voice acting: "I wanted to see what it's like to do a voice in an animated show. Now I know. They tie your hands behind your back and say, 'Act!' The director's favorite was, 'Let's do it a little bigger.' I have three voice ranges: loud, louder, and loudest."

Profiles - Captain Klegghorn