Profiles - Mondo Man (Alvin Yasbeck)


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Copyright © 2002

Mondo Man (Alvin Yasbeck)

Height: N/A

Weight: N/A

Mondo Man was a super-pumped superhero, stereotypically comic book to the core. He stood for nothing but 'truth, justice, and the Anaheim way', but unfortunately this way pitted the Ducks as Mondo Man's enemy. Behind the costume was Alvin Yasbeck, a comic book loving chemistry genius, who wanted superpowers in order to be more noticed among his friends. It was Dragaunus who seized on the opportunity, pumping Alvin up with his DNA accelerator. He also convinced Alvin that the Saurians were a race of benevolent creatures, under attack by the Ducks. The Anaheim police force was willing to support the efforts of a human superhero over a team of aliens, and so the Ducks became public enemy number one. In addition to his strength, Mondo Man used a key weapon against the Ducks: a mineral called ducktonite. Very much like kryptonite would do to Superman, ducktonite weakened any Ducks that got too close.

Status: Defeated. Mondo Man was captured by the Ducks and made to see the error of his ways. When he was no longer needed, Dragaunus reversed the effects of the accelerator, and returned Alvin to normal. He is now in police custody.

Profiles - Mondo Man (Alvin Yasbeck)