Profiles - Nosedive Flashblade


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Copyright © 2002

Nosedive Flashblade

dive.jpg (37257 bytes)

Number: 33

Position: Left Wing

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 160 lbs.

Shoots: Left

Nosedive, or Dive for short, is Wildwing's younger brother, and the team's youngest member. Full of age-becoming enthusiasm and spirit, he has the habits of any alternative, video game playing, comic book reading, water gun squirting, hair dying human teen. Ever the class clown, Nosedive uses his withering sarcasm to diffuse tension, lighten the mood, or just have some fun with the viewing audience. Originally unwanted by Canard when he assembled his team, Wildwing managed to get his brother in. On Earth, Nosedive has had a little trouble fitting in with humans, save for Trash and Mookie, two employees at the local comics shop. He has the tendency to underestimate his enemies, get in over his head, and take risks. Assuming that his hot-shot skills can keep him out of danger has gotten him into plenty of scrapes.

Nosedive's battle armor is similar to that of his brother, but not as bulky or as strong. His speed in combat give him little need for heavy artillery, but his shooting skills are complimented by a duo of pucklaunchers he carries in holsters on his belt. The brown patch on his bill helps to cut down on sun glare.

On the ice, Nosedive is known best for doing the impossible. With his energy and ego, he is willing to try shooting at the oddest angles and turning lost plays back into goal-scorers. Fortunately for the team, many times his efforts pay off, earning them victories both on the ice and in battle.

Steve Mackall on hockey: "There was a creek behind the house where I grew up. When it started to freeze, my friends and I could make goalposts with tree branches, so when it froze solid they'd be stuck there. Then we'd play hockey wearing our regular shoes... We weren't coordinated enough to skate."

Profiles - Nosedive Flashblade