Profiles - Silver the eagle


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Silver the eagle

Height: Quadrupedal: 3.2 ft. Bipedal: 4.6 ft.

Weight: 56 lbs.

Age: 20

Position: Thinker

A loner by nature, the rugged and quiet Silver relishes his job as leader. Being the Thinker, Silver is ever the philosopher. Calm in all situations, the eagle prefers diplomacy to aggression, though he has no great love for strangers, and waxes disdainful when it comes to humans. Like the other leaders, he is a talented musician, and also enjoys great stories from both his own clan and humankind.

Silver's mottled gray feathers and light brown eyes are a testament to his winter hatching. He also has two stripes of the metal for which he is named, running down the edges of his broad wings. Silver usually prefers to be alone with his natural surroundings, and dislikes the chaos and lack of sense in the human world. But he is perfectly amiable with his friends and clan, especially opening up to his fellow leaders, with whom he shares a deep bond. He has been goaded into discovering and deepening his own philosophies concerning the world outside the Territory, as he has had to help Zelda overcome raw fears and the emotional repercussions of distancing herself so far from the rest of the clan.

Although he may be quicker with the word than the sword, Silver is far from a pushover in a fight. Like the rest of his species, his wing feathers are actually modified fingers, which he can run on if he is ever grounded. His talons are large and sharp, and his beak can shear through bone. Silver is an expert at strategy and tactics, often directing the other leaders as to when the best time is, to stand and fight.

Profiles - Silver the eagle