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Height: N/A

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Although he looks like a musty old creature, Wraith is not to be taken lightly. He is not a warrior at all, but a powerful mage skilled using the lost dark powers of his Saurian ancestry. He has a gaunt, wobbly appearance, and uses his wooden staff as his instrument of destruction. The duck skull impaled on the top is a testament to his true power. And, in desperate situations where his magic won't do, Wraith can put up a decent fight as well.

Old-fashioned to the core, Wraith dislikes Dragaunus's trend in using technology to fight the Ducks, rather than magic. With his gloomy personality, he hangs over Dragaunus's shoulder, critisizing his plans. But he is always ready with praise, to stay on the Overlord's good side.

As a mage, Wraith is capable of conjuring up a wide assortment of spells, from hypnosis, to flaming swords, to the creation of elemental sprites. His standard attack consists of hurling fireballs and energy blasts from his fingertips. He can transport himself from place to place in a puff of smoke. With a truly evil nature, Wraith prides himself in his work, and has the lifelong dream of actually scaring someone to death.

Profiles - Wraith