Profiles - Zelda the dragon


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Copyright © 2002

Zelda the dragon

Height: Quadrupedal: 3.5 ft. Bipedal: 4.2 ft

Weight: 69 lbs.

Age: 21

Position: Guardian/Boardrunner

Zelda the dragon is a small animal with a lot of fight. Her scales are a royal purple, with a slight iridescence. Her wings are tipped with a stripe of gold, a sign to everyone that she is one of the four elite leaders of her kind. Each leader has a specific position that they are naturally suited to fill, and hers is that of Guardian.

Zelda's history with the Ducks actually goes back for millions of years. The Saurians and her species are distantly related through their dinosaur ancestors. When Dragaunus sought to conquer Earth, he wanted Zelda's alliance in the attempt. But the dragon refused, and left her close-knit clan to join the Ducks in battle.

The dragoness's role on the team is unique, and crucial to their success in battle and on the ice. When the Ducks first came to Earth, Zelda helped to acclimate them to their new home. On the ice, she holds a unique position of boardrunning, where she coaches the team while running along the top of the plexiglass boards that surround the rink. From here, she provides support, advice, and encouragement. In battle, Zelda's natural talent for fighting comes to the forefront. But the dragon is no aimless warrior, her strength is driven by her instinctive need to protect her friends. Letting them down is not an option when the stakes of the war against Dragaunus are so high. Like the rest of her kind, Zelda's small body gives her a high metabolism. Because of this, she can tire quickly in fierce battles, but also recovers quickly from even serious injury.

A part of Zelda's unique abilities stem from the fact that she's an animal. Although she can speak several human languages, and easily equals the intelligence of her teammates, she simply doesn't think like a human. She is hesitant around technology, doesn't care for cities or crowds, needs to eat and sleep often, and is often homesick. Zelda has been able to turn her powerful animal instincts into assets in her fight against the Saurians. She has developed a unique bond to each of her teammates, allowing her to loosely keep track of their emotional state on a subconscious level. In times of danger, Zelda knows when a Duck is in trouble. However, her instincts and innate senses do  have their immediate drawbacks. Zelda has a deep-seeded fear of cages, ropes, and firearms. Her real demons connect back to her home, the Territory, where Zelda knows her duty as Guardian is not only to protect her friends from immediate physical harm, but to resist the gradual encroachment of the human population. Whenever she has enough peace and quiet to mull on the issue, Zelda worries that she neglects her duties at home by staying with the Ducks, and whether she's really accomplishing anything in the war against Dragaunus.

The more time she spends in contact with the team, the closer they all become. She is often a dissolver of tension, and a negotiator when things get rough between members. She helps to cancel out the negative aspects of her friends, and brings their strengths to the forefront. Together, they are an unbeatable force.

Profiles - Zelda the Dragon