FAQ - Chemistry and Elements in the Show


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Chemistry and Elements in the Show

Although the scientific work and strange technology used by the Ducks and Saurians are rarely thoroughly explained, several chemical elements unique to the show are important to know and understand. Below is a listing and description of each element, and their uses.

Adnauseum- A grey metal, adnauseum is used in the show to signal the Czarks by using specific sound vibrations the metal creates when struck. As it is pretty obvious by the name's play on words, this element does not really exist.

Bulerium- One of the most mentioned and important elements in the show, bulerium crystals are large and orange. Used as a power source for ships engines like those belonging to the Saurians and Czarks, bulerium is either very rare or entirely non-existant on Earth. This is why Dragaunus has so much trouble getting the Raptor to fly, because without the crystals, it can operate only on impulse power. With its power core restored, the Raptor's weapon system would be unstoppable.

Beryllium- Mentioned in a few of Nosedive's insults ("beryllium breath"), this is one of the few elements mentioned in the show that is really in the periodic table. However, it seems to have no important connection to either the Ducks or their allies.

Bolonium (could be spelled baloneyum or belognium)- This is an element of great importance to the Ducks, as they use the glowing purple substance to provide power for their weaponry. This element's use was explained in the episode "Bringing Down Baby". Bolonium is apparently a nonmetal, which can affect energy waves that pass through it. The bolonium that the Ducks use is in the form of a positively charged purple ion. When negatively charged, it turns green.

Solarinite- An orange crystal in form, solarinite reacts strongly with other substances in an exothermic way, giving off massive amounts of heat. This rare element exists only on the island of Lickenstamp. Dragaunus tried to obtain large amounts of solarinite in order to melt the Arctic ice cap.

FAQ - Chemistry and Elements in the Show