Original Art - The Territory


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Copyright © 2002

Original Art - The Territory

My little spot to show off my characters through illustration. All artwork and characters featured are copyrighted by me, please don't use them or the pics without permission!

comfort.jpg (54065 bytes)
balance.jpg (61343 bytes)
place.jpg (84037 bytes)
duty.jpg (79650 bytes)

The now-completed four part series entitled "Healing", a pictoral description of the gifts that the other leaders bestow upon the dragon, and how she is only truly healed within their unit.

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Bleeding from the mouth, not drooling!

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A colored version of the picture below

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A testament to how character designs change over the years, a picture from 2000 is redone three years later

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The Territory's leaders

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Silver. Some general notes on eagle locomotion follow below.

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Diamond digging and parting a fern

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A few shots of Northstar, with a younger griffon on the right

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Zelda's not a happy camper. To those who are paying attention, let's see if anyone can tell me what happened on the picture's date that inspired her anger?

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A quick note on Zelda's sixth-sense abilities, and a few sketches

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Zelda in trouble

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Zelda flashes a peace sign

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Zelda gets aggressive

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An injured Zelda slowly getting up

zelscold.jpg (19893 bytes)zelrun.jpg (22199 bytes)zelscold.jpg (19893 bytes)zelsnooze.jpg (17411 bytes)zelfwdstride.jpg (32839 bytes)zelbow.jpg (53747 bytes)zellying.jpg (38112 bytes)zelsidestep.jpg (27505 bytes)zelknuckle.jpg (33195 bytes)zellyinglookup.jpg (45173 bytes)zelshaded.jpg (81354 bytes)
Some pictures of Zelda in full form


Original Art - The Territory